6×6 Canvas 2023 Fundraiser – Unveiling!
CCAC’s Annual 6×6 Fundraiser is quickly approaching! Stop by the arts council to pick up your 6×6 canvas. Haven’t heard of this before? It’s simple.
How it Works:
- CCAC is supplying local artists with a 6×6 canvas to create a work of art (even 3D).
- Once finished, the artist signs the back of the canvas.
- All of the canvas are unveiled together on First Friday, October 6th from 5-8pm.
- All pieces will be available for purchase after the unveiling.
- When a 6×6 is sold, the purchaser can then flip over the canvas to see who signed it!
The unveiling happens on First Friday, October 6, 2023 from 5-8pm. All completed 6×6’s are due back to the arts council by Friday, September 29, 2023 at 4:00pm.
All funds collected from the 6×6 sales goes directly back into Cecil County Arts Council programming.
Facebook Event (for sharing): https://www.facebook.com/events/1434827193917047/